Vaginal and vulvar dryness occurs mostly in women who are in menopause (1 out of 3), who have had ovaries surgically removed, are smokers, birth control pill users, and in women who are of extremely low BMI (Body Mass Index). Women undergoing chemo or diabetics may experience it too. Oh, and on a sexual note, also if people don’t take enough time with foreplay to get nice and naturally wet.
The obvious problems that occur with vaginal/vulvar dryness are itching, burning, possible infection, and overall irritation. Urinary urgency and pain with intercourse - particularly at insertion where little tears called fissures can occur are common too. This can all put a major cramp in your sex lifestyle. After all, who would be feeling sexy and alluring when irritated and playing hostess to a cranky vagina? Vaginal dryness can also cause spotting from abrasions or vaginal atrophy. Atrophy is when low estrogen causes the vaginal lining to thin and become less elastic.
But happily, not all of is long term, and there are some great solutions.
For immediate relief of symptoms, our Sexual Health Enthusiasts Uro-gynocologist recommends Uberlube for moisture because it is more physiologic with no unpleasant glop…..and his patients agree! It can be used daily both internally and externally to moisten and relieve dryness. S+HE’s AfterIt foaming cleanser for the shower works in harmony with your body to cleanse, soothe and provide a lovely feeling moisture barrier. Use of regular soap will further strip your skin worsening the situation, so be very wary of off the shelf products. AfterIt provides a comforting effect while protecting skin. Follow it with S+HE’s AfterTrace for further cooling and calming of the vulva.
Vaginal estrogen in a tablet, cream or ring has proven highly effective in helping or resolving long term symptoms. Estrogen can make the vaginal lining thicker, increasing tone, lubrication and elasticity. The problem with hormone replacement therapy is that despite it having been proven to be safe and effective time and time again, there is so much misinformation out there, many fear using it. It is also unfortunately quite expensive. I cannot recommend nor reject this solution and as with all of my suggestions, consult with your trusted doctor for something tailored to your needs and symptoms.
Science and studies have shown that having sex makes us happier, healthier and improves longevity. It is my hope that you make it a point to “maintain your sexy” if vaginal dryness is part your life. So for more comfortable, rewarding intercourse and sex play, Doctor-recommended Uberlube is my FAVORITE. Other premium and great quality brands I really like are PINK (silicone), Pjur (water and silicone options) and Sliquid (water and silicone options). FYI, silicone lubes will offer you more slip longer. If you have any questions, please ask me through Mary, and my team of Enthusiasts and I will do our best to make you feel empowered about your situation.
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