Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Are Viagra and other erectile dysfunction (ED) drugs solely to blame for the marked rise in the spread of STDs among the 50+ population? I would point my finger at it for a slump in marrying rich old guys for cash………but not for this.
According to new research the number of STD cases in the baby boomer population in the US, Canada and Britain has doubled in the last 10 years! Let’s have a look at why.

Many are finding themselves single after 20-30+ years of marriage and are in better health and more vital than previous generations. People are having sex longer and later in life and oh yes ED drugs are helping with that. The Student British Medical Journal found that 80 percent of people between 50 and 90-years-old are sexually active. The only problem is that fewer are practicing safer sex and are also having multiple partners.

And though supposedly a “sexually free” generation, this group is not one that knows how to or is comfortable with talking about STDs. My dear friend and renowned psychiatrist and sex therapist Dr. Dorree Lynn says the “over 50 crowd doesn’t get tested, see the need to get tested and don’t believe they are at risk.” She also points out that “condoms are seen as procreation prevention not health protection.” This is the crux of the problem.

Most 50+ men likely did not wear condoms in their early dating years so they are certainly not considering them now. Also, during menopause, a woman’s vaginal tissue thins, causing it to tear more easily, making them more vulnerable to transmission of disease. Additionally, immune systems are less effective in older folks, which can increase vulnerability to sexually transmitted disease and HIV.

Intimate Fitness™ through sex education and communication, correct use of condoms and lubrication (using Uberlube can reduce tissue tearing and placing a couple of drops in the reservoir of a condom will increase sensation for the man) and awareness of proper intimate hygiene and sensitive skin care can help curb the rise of this all too disturbing trend.

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