Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Believe it or not, hair removal, how much and how you do it can positively or negatively affect your intimate and overall health.

Hair removal is very popular today and really took off in the 1990's when the Brazilian bikini wax came into Vogue. It continues to gain momentum with men having strongly joined the hair removal revolution. The statistics are quite impressive - 80%+ of college students remove all or some of their pubic hair.

I am pro trimming, tidying and grooming but also pro BUSH! I firmly believe our maker gave us our little curlies for a great reason - protection........just like nose hair, eyelashes etc. Dr. Jessica Krant, M.D., Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology at SUNY Downstate Medical Center in New York agrees with me stating pubic hair “keeps skin from running together and act as a cushion during sexual contact. They are also there to maintain a bit of air flow and keep folded skin areas from sticking together and causing rashes and infections known as intertrigo."

You should also know that waxing in particular traumatizes skin because it rips hair out of the follicle. Remember my piece regarding our skin acting as a protective wetsuit that when intact keeps infection and disease out? The small wounds created are microscopic openings through which things like Herpes, HPV (genital warts and possibly cervical cancer), HIV and other STD's can be transmitted. Razor blades can carry viruses and bacteria that can transfer from say the leg to your pubic area.

A dermatologist in Nice, France found a small percentage of clients had genital molluscum contagiosum virus (MCV) outbreaks in their genital area which he credits with waxing and shaving. Unsightly ingrown hairs and folliculitis (inflammation of hair follicle) is a downside to waxing/shaving/trimming as well.

On the bright side, Brazilian waxing and keeping the “boys” manscaped has been credited with denying pubic lice or crabs of an environment to live in. Therefore that STD and embarrassing annoyance has almost disappeared in the USA and Australia.

Here is a little helpful Intimate Fitness™ hair removal advice (And please refer to my past article on bikini waxing) that applies to the above. Always use a fresh blade or clean your trimmer for your intimate areas. Be sure your skin is clean and use clean towels when bathing afterward. Exfoliate to avoid ingrown hairs. You decide what method and how much to remove based on your comfort level, not fashion or a partner’s preference. Somehow Americans became body hair haters and I can’t quite figure out why?!

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